Mac Miller released the bonus track featured on his sophomore album Watching Movies With The Sound Off, coming out tomorrow! During his listening party, Mac explained that Tyler, The Creator thought that the album was too “depressing” and wanted a track to just make people dance. This song is certainly going to make a lot of people “shake that body.” DJ Semtex explained that they “just had fun, and it was actually at that point where we made that record when I was like ‘we can make fun records like this.'” Give it a listen!
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3 and a half out of 5 stars for this song…
You can tell Tyler the Creator was the ‘mastermind’ behind this…the chorus is type weak, but Tyler’s tight flow makes up for that setback…the song will do well, and I see a sick video in their future..
On the Social Commentary side of things, every generation has a ‘Tyler’ who scares parents and make the teen generation forsake GOD…nothing new about that, but what is disturbing is that after all we’ve learned, our children are still in jeopardy of ruining their lives by embracing the base morality that Tyler depicts and stands for…but not necessarily LIVES.
Like most human beings (rappers aren’t exempt from this) you grow up and realize that you were much stupider (is that a word?) and in need of Love and guidance between the ages of 16-25 than you thought when you were living out that time period. If you survive it without any sexually transmitted diseases, arrests, or life-time addictions without losing your life, then it’s thought that you are ahead of the game. But the dangerous thing about Tyler the Creator is that while we hope HE survives these years, that doesn’t mean his growing fandom will.
For Tyler’s fans, it’s their parents, families, friends, and the teachers who care who will be the ones forced to deal with the consequences of Tyler’s…um, ‘creativity’.
That said, the Girls ‘shaken’ that bodeee’ (as Tyler instructs) cannot blame Tyler for the consequences of embracing a lifestyle which basically reduces the female role as being that of a sexual punching bag and hip-hop punch-line, but since our culture has long abdicated it’s role of protecting our women and children, in exchange for survival of the fittest, the odds are stacked against roughly two-thirds of our population who are the most vulnerable.
Ordinarily, this kind of youth rebellion has a positive side-bar, as in the era of the Rap group ‘PUBLIC ENEMY’ and their song ‘FIGHT THE POWER’, but Tyler’s generation apparently see no need to push the needle forward on challenging the money-hungry executives in the music industry who would most likely reject them if they didn’t cater to the worst instincts of human nature, but choose to peddle the same misogynistic garbage that we’ve heard from countless acts for time immemorial.
Mac-Miller is good, but Tyler the Creator could be GREAT…which is what makes him so disappointing.
Tyler’s personality is fascinating, and the middle finger that he metaphorically holds up to the hypocrites and materialists of society is refreshing, but his ignorance of the consequences of embracing the OPPOSITE of that which Jesus taught will be his demise.
I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am, considering that Tyler has admitted to having ‘daddy-issues’, which completely explains the distructive and misguided nature of his ‘creativity’, and which is ironically EXACTLY what Jesus diagnosed and tried to battle against, little does Tyler know it based on his rejection of GOD.
It will be fun to see how this ends..
2 short
[…] .respect […]
[…] Audio of the Mac Miller ‘OK’ track featuring Tyler The Creator rm […]
you ever just jerk it and bust a serious nut and then just lay there till you realize it aint gonna clean itself?
[…] .respect […]
…but don’t you have to HAVE nuts to ‘bust’ it??? LOL!
I think its awesome that just through his music and interviews he can make undereducated kids do bad stuff and get them to act like they worship the devil when he, himself is an Atheist His grandma called him a devil child because he was born on March 6th. (3/6) Three Sixes. Any way he said that since he didn’t have a dad and he already had the nickname, he thought he would just kind of let the “devil” be his role model/Father. Hes said plenty of times that he hates religion and that he wants nothing to do with it. ” Oh, thats a triple six, isn’t he a devil worshiper because im to fucking ignorant to do some research?”
Oh, and to make this clear, I am also Atheist. So.. the bible crap you were talking about means nothing to me. And i also think that your over thinking this way too much. Its just music and yes while there are hidden meanings behind his lyrics that only goes to a certain extent. He believes in doing what makes him happy and if that means that he fucks peoples lives up, hes going to do that.(: Just wanted to say some stuff. Sorry.
I appreciate your reply, however, it’s interesting that so many atheists like you find the need to respond and engage with people who DO believe in GOD…almost as if that ‘bible crap’ DOES matter…hmmm…
Like most atheists, both you and Tyler contradict yourself. If you truly didn’t believe in GOD, you’d be TRULY indifferent to others that do, however, what I sense from your reply is the opposite of indifference.
Furthermore, Tyler the ‘creator’ choosing to use the ‘Devil’ as his role model, while at the same time claiming to be an atheist shows how ridiculously confused he really is….for the devil, whom he supposedly uses as a ‘role model’ in place of his father ACTUALLY BELIEVES IN GOD!..
I don’t subscribe to any particular ‘religion’, nor do I have to in order to believe in God..
..The Bible says that “God is not the author of confusion”. What you’ve explained about Tyler, and your contradictory words shows massive confusion, which nullifies the validity of your argument.
..I can appreciate and see the glimmer of talent (WHICH GOD-THE REAL ‘CREATOR’ GAVE HIM) that Tyler has, but he would be more effective and last longer if he was consistent, which his is not…no atheist is.
..When you ‘fuck people’s lives up’, as you so eloquently put it, there’s consequences, dire consequences..and the OFWGKTA gang won’t be there to help him..I guarantee that.
this cross humping gayboy
One day you’ll regret that…
Holy fuck, dude.
it’s just a fucking song.
If you don’t like Tyler, you can fucking leave. You don’t need to type fucking essays every time you see something that seems slightly wrong to you.
I’m not going to type a fucking essay because that would make me a hypocrite.
I’m just saying, you’re a fucking religious asshole and you all fucking do this.
Tyler isn’t religious, I’m not either. A lot of people aren’t, so keep your bullshit to yourself and I’ll keep my bullshit to myself.
One day, you’ll regret being a fucking retard, wasting your time typing this shit out.
Fuck you!